

Elevate Your Confidence with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Restoration at Golding Granado Medical Associates


Are you grappling with the distressing effects of hair loss, such as thinning hair, receding hairlines, or excessive shedding? Look no further than Golding Granado Medical Associates in NYC for cutting-edge hair loss treatments utilizing injectable platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Our esteemed team of board-certified dermatologists, led by the renowned Dr. Golding Granado, offers personalized PRP procedures to harness your body's natural healing abilities and rejuvenate your hair, fostering both physical and emotional well-being.

Understanding PRP:

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) harnesses the healing properties present in your own blood to stimulate hair follicle regeneration. By isolating and reintroducing platelet-rich plasma to the scalp, this minimally invasive procedure encourages hair growth from within. At Golding Granado Medical Associates, we surpass traditional PRP techniques by offering PRFM (platelet-rich fibrin matrix), an advanced therapy known for its enhanced efficacy and minimal side effects. Our commitment to excellence is showcased through the utilization of state-of-the-art technologies such as the Selphyl System, ensuring optimal results for our patients.

Spotlight on PRP Hair Treatment:

Hair loss affects individuals of all genders and ages, often resulting from factors such as genetics, hormonal fluctuations, and aging. PRP hair restoration addresses this concern by stimulating dormant hair follicles and promoting healthy cell activity, leading to improved hair density and vitality. Whether you're experiencing early signs of hair thinning or seeking a non-invasive alternative to hair transplants, PRP offers a promising solution to restore your confidence and natural hair growth.

Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration:

The benefits of PRP hair restoration extend beyond hair regrowth, encompassing repair and stimulation of hair follicles, increased cell turnover, and reduced inflammation. With short treatment sessions and minimal downtime, PRP offers a convenient and effective solution for individuals seeking to address hair loss concerns without invasive procedures or prolonged recovery periods.

Ideal Candidates and Procedure:

Most individuals are suitable candidates for PRP hair restoration, although certain factors such as pregnancy or a history of blood disorders may influence eligibility. Our experienced dermatologists conduct thorough evaluations to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. PRP procedures involve a simple process of blood extraction, plasma isolation, and injection into the scalp, with minimal discomfort and rapid recovery.

Expected Results and Follow-up:

While individual response to PRP treatment may vary, most patients require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Our team customizes treatment schedules based on the severity of hair loss and desired outcomes, typically recommending monthly sessions followed by maintenance treatments. With regular follow-ups and comprehensive care, PRP hair restoration at Golding Granado Medical Associates delivers long-lasting results and high patient satisfaction.

Why Choose Golding Granado Medical Associates:

Under the guidance of Dr. Golding Granado, a leading authority in PRP therapy, Golding Granado Medical Associates sets the standard for excellence in hair restoration. With decades of experience and a commitment to ongoing research and innovation, our dedicated team ensures superior outcomes and unparalleled patient care. From personalized consultations to advanced treatment techniques, we prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout your hair restoration journey.


Regain your confidence and transform your hair with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair restoration at Golding Granado Medical Associates. Schedule a consultation today to discover how our expertise, advanced technologies, and patient-centric approach can help you achieve your hair goals and enhance your quality of life.

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